Amazon: $9.99 (paperback)
Publication: January 2024
Amazon: $7.99 (e-book)

More than just words on paper, this book is a lively journey alongside Yan Valle, a witty guide who’s navigated the vitiligo waters since childhood to become the captain of the Vitiligo Research Foundation. Yan confidently guides readers through the intricate realm of symptoms, treatments, nutrition, and societal nuances. From root causes to lifestyle considerations, he shares essential insights and precautions for managing vitiligo. Along the way, he helps to decipher medical jargon, empowering you to discuss the proper therapy with your doctor – or knowingly abstain from it.

“A No-Nonsense Guide To Vitiligo" is an easy weekend read, yet deep enough to serve as a comprehensive reference for patients, their families, doctors, cosmetologists, and medical students alike.


Immerse yourself in the latest advancements in vitiligo research with this meticulously updated second edition. Gain insights into how vitiligo affects vision, hearing, and motherhood. Explore detailed chapters on natural remedies, dietary advice, cosmetic options, and mental well-being strategies.

Within this guide, you'll find:
- Vitiligo: An exploration of its history and cultural perspectives.
- Warning Signs: Techniques for identifying vitiligo before it spreads.
- Genetic Factors: Insights into hereditary risks.
- Hidden Triggers: Strategies for navigating daily life to minimize risks.
- Treatment Options: Tailoring strategies to meet unique needs.
- Holistic Approaches: Evaluating vitamins, diets, and home remedies.
- Stress Management: Tactics for breaking the vicious cycle of stress-induced symptoms.


Yan Valle is a writer, researcher and executive. He stands apart as a specialist who knows vitiligo inside and out. His four-decade journey with vitiligo is marked by personal trials and professional triumphs. From facing misdiagnosis and mistreatment to embracing self-acceptance and family joy, his experience is unparalleled.

As the CEO of the New York-based Vitiligo Research Foundation, Yan has studied all aspects of vitiligo diagnosis and treatment. His efforts have significantly shifted the world's perception of vitiligo, from launching the World Vitiligo Day campaign to developing the latest technology breakthrough, an AI-Guide On Vitiligo.

As an invited professor at the Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi in Rome, Italy, Yan shares his vast knowledge in a language that resonates with readers around the globe.

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Google Play Books: $7.99 (e-book)
Smashwords: $7.99 (e-book)
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